
Stepping Into Being a Boss

By Mandeep Singh
Partner – Talent & Rewards,

7 steps towards being boss

How does one bring about change specially when one has been given the task as a Boss. The 7 steps mentioned below, give you the Boss’s change model.

Step 1. Let people form an opinion of you.

* Engage socially with the team
* Spend working time with the team

Step 2. From your individual opinion of each and every person for a minimum of layers of reporting to you

Step 3. Propagate your core strengths information to everyone by examples

Step 4. Understand the existing culture

Step 5. Define the culture you want to set up

Step 6. Start demonstrating the affirmative cultural behaviours

Step 7. Start building a cult, by personally inviting selected few at a time to join you in being the role model of such culture behaviours

Keep increasing this – you’ve got change.

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